Can we talk about the pledge of allegiance?

Can we talk about the pledge of allegiance?

April 30, 2017Uncategorized

For real. Look, I know this is not a new topic. But did you know it is still required by law for public schools in most states to recite the pledge of allegiance? The fucking pledge of allegiance!! Granted, it’s a little more complicated than that. Check this for each state’s status on this issue: State Requirements on … Read More

A Poem!

A Poem!

April 25, 2017Uncategorized

I write poems sometimes. I am going to share one with you here. This is a scary and vulnerable thing to do. If you like it, please tell me and I will share some more and maybe create a poetry section here. If you don’t like it, you can tell me that too. It’s cool. … Read More


April 18, 2017Uncategorized

God you guys, I’m so tired of feeling this way. I’m so tired of beating myself up all the time. I’m so tired of worrying that people don’t like me or that I said the wrong thing or that I am unloveable or unworthy of love. And then beating myself up for being so self-important … Read More

Gender and Parenting!

Gender and Parenting!

April 18, 2017Uncategorized

I have a 7-year-old son and a 5-year-old daughter. They are both cisgender, at least at this point. If the word “cisgender” is confusing or unfamiliar, I’ll share a link to an article on the topic below. The definition of the word cisgender is simple: It is the opposite of transgender. So when I say my … Read More

Headline Roundup

Headline Roundup

April 6, 2017Uncategorized

I’m still procrastinating on a post I’ve been trying to write about gender so I’m doing a headline post because it’s more fun and I’m a grown-up and I do what I want. Headline Roundup involves me reading headlines and responding to them without reading the articles. Because having opinions about stuff I don’t know … Read More

Square Pegs

Square Pegs

March 28, 2017Uncategorized

I’ve been dropping the ball on this blog lately. I am 100% aware that this fact matters to no one but me. But as I am stuck with me, I have to do what matters to me. And as this blog is at least partially about my own self-awareness and infinite process of trying to … Read More

On being “colorblind”

On being “colorblind”

March 22, 2017Uncategorized

You are not colorblind. No one is colorblind.* No one should be colorblind. It is OK to see and acknowledge that people have different skin colors. Stop saying colorblindness is the goal. It is not, and perpetuating that idea is harmful. The end.** *Yes, I know, colorblindness is an actual thing people have. But even colorblind … Read More

Headline Roundup!

Headline Roundup!

March 14, 2017Uncategorized

I am reading and responding to headlines from the week, and headlines only. I respond to headlines without reading the articles, because having opinions about stuff without knowing anything about that stuff is the American way, and I am a goddamn patriot. The headlines I choose are not too depressing or serious–this is part of my … Read More

What the hell is white fragility anyway?

What the hell is white fragility anyway?

March 12, 2017Uncategorized

A friend of mine asked me this question the other day, so let’s tackle that shit! To make sure I’m fully and accurately answering the question, I’ll share some links at the end of this post from people who are more knowledgable and have done more work on this specific topic than I have. In … Read More

How This Stuff Feels Today

How This Stuff Feels Today

March 9, 2017Uncategorized

The mood swings are big lately. I have moments of empowerment and hope and connection followed by moments of a deep feeling of aloneness (which is real, because as important as other people are and as powerful as our connections with other people are, we are ultimately alone within ourselves, which is a scary feeling sometimes) and … Read More